Priyanka Chopra unveiled her upcoming international venture ‘The Bluff’ which is being directed by filmmaker Frank E Flowers. The actress is set to star alongside Hollywood actor Karl Urban, known for his role in the popular web series ‘The Boys’. The film is produced by the Russo brothers, who are also Priyanka’s partners in the Citadel project.
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This is Priyanka’s second collaboration with The Russo Brothers after her role in their Amazon Original series Citadel. However, reports from 2021 indicated that Zoe Saldana was originally slated to helm the film.
Priyanka shared a screenshot of the Deadline article on Instagram and wrote, “Every now and then we hoped that if we lived and were good, God would allow us to be pirates. -Mark Twain.”
Set in the 19th century Caribbean, The Bluff centers on Priyanka, a former pirate who is forced to protect her family when the mysterious consequences of her past actions resurface.
In addition to starring, Priyanka Chopra Jonas also serves as producer with AGBO’s Anthony and Joe Russo, who also serve as executive producers on her Prime Video series, Citadel. Other notable producers include Angela Russo-Otstot, Michael Disco and Cisely Saldana and Mariel Saldana of Cinestar Pictures.
Production on “The Bluff” is set to begin in Australia this spring, with the film streaming on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.
Apart from this, she is expected to make a Bollywood comeback in Farhan Akhtar’s ‘Jee Le Zara’ where she will share the screen with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.