Salman Khan announced Munawar Faruqui as the winner of Bigg Boss 17. Munawar received a glittering trophy, a check worth Rs 50 Lakh and keys to a Hyundai exterior. With the final announcement, the show comes to an end with Abhishek Kumar as the finalist of the show.
Before the bidding, both finalists looked overwhelmed and their eyes filled with tears of joy. Munawar and Abhishek also th
anked the makers of Bigg Boss 17 for the massive fame they got through the reality show.
After 107 days in Bigg Boss’s House, Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande, Mannara Chopra, Arun Mashettey and Abhishek Kumar made it to the finale of Bigg Boss Season 17.
Bigg Boss 17, a reality TV show, was hosted by Bollywood star Salman Khan and comedian Bharti Singh.
Arun Mashettey was the first to be eliminated from the Bigg Boss 17 Grand Finale, while Ankita Lokhande accepted an offer of Rs 10 crore and ended her journey on the Bigg Boss show at the fourth position.
Mannara Chopra made it to the top three teams, but could not progress further with Munawar and Abhishek. She was the third to be evicted, Salman Khan announced.
Before the show, comedians Sudesh Lehri and Krushna Abhishek entertained the audience with a qawwali musical humor presentation.
Bigg Boss is a very popular reality show with a huge fan following across the country. This is the 17th season of Bigg Boss which started on 16th October with contestants Aishwarya Sharma, Neil Bhatt, Isha Malviya, Sana Khan, Rinku Dhawan, Sunny Arya, Khanzaadi, Soniya Bansal and others. The show is telecasted by Colors TV channel and Jio Cinema mobile app.